5 min readNov 21, 2020


Introducing KEEP8R: Decentralized Project, based on DeFi Platform

This article covers the cross-chain stake farming that is done within Keep8r platform

Before diving into the details of the cross-chain staking mechanisms, there are important points to be highlighted about the KEEP8R project:

(A) The keep8r is an improved fork from keep3rnetwork.

For decentralized finance (Defi) to cross the tipping-point of mass adoption, there must be a solution able to house multiple blockchains under an interactive umbrella, independent of custodial supervision. Such solution will also serve multiple cross-chain interactions, like farming staking voting.

While there are some token swapping protocols in the Defi space, executing this already; they, however, do not make provision for early-stage projects and are limited in cross-chain massive farming staking.

In this post, we are officially proposing Poolz for the first time, as a liquidity pool, adopted for both early-stage liqudity provision, as well as, for existing tokens and eventually for cross-chain token farming.

So, if you are on the lookout for enough liquidity to bootstrap your Defi token-based project, or a safe place to invest in early-stage Defi startups, or you are just here for learning purposes, you most likely will be getting more than you expect.

Rethinking Initial offerings with Defi

Since the rise of Defi protocols, decentralized exchanging (DEX), via liquidity pooling have been gaining alot of traction. When compared to centralized exchanges, however, dex protocols seem very limited in what they can execute. A good example of this limitation is with initial startup funding and market entry liquidity.

ICOs and later IEOs use to be the best solution for entry funding and market liquidity. Unfortunately with the trust issues, saturation of ICOs and IEOs and the high cost of listing as well as executing successful IEO, low budget innovators, with prospective solutions are finding it impossible to get that minimum required funds to reach the required critical mass for scaling.

On the contrary, our vision with poolz is to take the liquidity pool rationale a step further, into unlocking the possibility of liquidity pooling for blockchain startups in need of funding and that initial market entry liquidity and to do this across all open blockchains.

(B) Around fees and revenue generation for the KEEP8R ecosystem

  • Additionally, note that farming is not “free” with KEEP8R. The KEEP8R ecosystem applies a fee on the staking rewards of digital assets used for liquidity unlocking. Cross-chain stake farming is therefore, meant to offset these fee charges and reduce friction in the early stages of user adoption.
  • As user adoption develops and user confidence increases, farming expenses will be reduced, but fees generation will stay. This is possible, because users on the KEEP8R Platform are inherently using an intrinsically valuable service.
  • The fees generated will be used for Liquidity to support the markets, and subsequently distributed reward to keep8r holders who stake keep8r. This creates a positive feedback loop which puts more keep8r into the ownership of users who hold and believe in the value of keep8r.
  • In the case of keep8r, stake farming is a benign mechanism that allows for the acquisition of new revenue-generating users into keep8r at minimal cost to the ecosystem.

© Controlled emissions, prevention of “over-farming” and governance impacts

  • The kepp8r team is aware, and conscious, on how “over-farming” may occur as a result of over-emissions. Compared to other projects, keep8r’s advantage is that the team is nimble and can constantly shift and adjust for market conditions, and ensure the optimal use of farming reserves. The keep8r team pledges to manage emissions in a responsible manner that drives assets acquisitions and value accretion with optimized outcomes.
  • Separately, while farming represents 50% of the total token supply, this full amount does not necessarily need to be fully emitted. In the future, governance may also choose to burn unused farming supply (supply deflation), or simply allow these tokens to be given out to users who stake keep8r tokens as a controlled staking program.
  • Governance may also choose how fee / revenue generation can be done, or how the fees can be managed. In particular, it can be an interesting mechanism to burn the repurchased keep8r, while users who stake keep8r tokens continue to receive rewards from the farming reserves.

Since the rise of Defi protocols, decentralized exchanging (DEX), via liquidity pooling have been gaining alot of traction. When compared to centralized exchanges, however, dex protocols seem very limited in what they can execute. A good example of this limitation is with initial startup funding and market entry liquidity.

ICOs and later IEOs use to be the best solution for entry funding and market liquidity. Unfortunately with the trust issues, saturation of ICOs and IEOs and the high cost of listing as well as executing successful IEO, low budget innovators, with prospective solutions are finding it impossible to get that minimum required funds to reach the required critical mass for scaling.

On the contrary, our vision with poolz is to take the liquidity pool rationale a step further, into unlocking the possibility of liquidity pooling for blockchain startups in need of funding and that initial market entry liquidity and to do this across all open blockchains.

Introducing Poolz

Today we are very excited to share the Poolz vision with you. With poolz, we envision a trustless crypto market, which offers prospective startups, unbaised access to a willing and liquid market, able to get the project of the ground. By extension, this takes away the need and cost for ICO and IEOs, as well as the regulatory requirements that follows.

While there are several pioneering platforms offering liquidity pooling opportunities, the idea with Poolz is to make liquidity pooling available for the pre-listing phase of the project, and for existing assets too. So it takes out that initial barrier to entry hurdle suffocating great solutions without the means for a grand market entrance.

How Liquidity Pools Work

(Skip to the next section, if you already understand Liquidity Pools!)

Traditionally, the process of providing liquidity to a market is through market making. This is where selected high volume market players, provide liquidity at a discount in their favor. However it comes with custodial limitations and monopoly problems. Sadly, this is the method been used by centralized crypto markets.

On the contrary, liquidity pools, rely on automated market making, executed by the Poolz protocol. In this situation, any willing party can play market maker and get to purchase tokens at faries discount and still get rewarded by the protocol. What is more, this comes with the trustless protection of a Defi protocol.

Join the KEEP8R DEFI Community

Backed by world-class investors, KEEP8R DEFI is a global decentralized finance solution that focuses on unlocking liquid capital from staking farming digital assets. Using the KEEP8R solution, users with staked assets can continue to receive staking rewards, retain capital appreciation potential on their staked portfolio, and unlock liquid capital to invest in new opportunities at the same time.

The addressable market for staked assets today is upwards of USD25bn, and as the industry-leading solution, KEEP8R DEFI has a vision of unlocking USD1bn or more.

Follow KEEP8R DEFI, get in touch with the project team members and join our community in the following official channels:



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Keep8r Decentralized Project, based on DeFi Platform